Bush: I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message.Declaracións de Kerry no seu contexto orixinal:
Kerry: It was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein, and when the President made the decision I supported him.
Kerry: I don't believe the President took us to war as he should have.
Kerry: The winning of the war was brilliant.
Kerry: It's the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Kerry: I have always said we may yet even find weapons of mass destruction.
Kerry: I actually did vote for the 87 billion dollars before I voted against it.
Loc: How can John Kerry protect us . . .when he doesn't even know where he stands?
1. No primeiro debate no que se enfrentaron os dous candidatos, o 3 de maio do 2003.
Question: And Senator Kerry, the first question goes to you. On March 19th, President Bush ordered General Tommy Franks to execute the invasion of Iraq. Was that the right decision at the right time?2. Nunha entrevista nun programa de TV en xaneiro do 2004.
Kerry: I said at the time I would have preferred if we had given diplomacy a greater opportunity, but I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein, and when the President made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him.
Question: Do you think you belong to that category of candidates who more or less are unhappy with this war, the way it's been fought, along with General Clark, along with Howard Dean and not necessarily in companionship politically on the issue of the war with people like Lieberman, Edwards and Gephardt? Are you one of the anti-war candidates?3. No mesmo programa de TV en maio do 2004.
Kerry: I am… Yes, in the sense that I don't believe the president took us to war as he should have, yes, absolutely. Do I think this president violated his promises to America? Yes, I do… Was there a way to hold Saddam Hussein accountable? You bet there was, and we should have done it right.
Question: All this terrorism. If you were president, how would you stop4. En setembro do 2004 nun discurso.
Kerry: Well, it's going to take some time to stop it, but we have an enormous amount of cooperation to build one other countries. I think the administration is not done enough of the hard work of diplomacy, reaching out to nations, building the kind of support network. I think they clearly have dropped the ball with respect to the first month in the after… winning the war. That winning of the war was brilliant and superb, and we all applaud our troops for doing what they did, but you've got to have the capacity to provide law and order on the streets and to provide the fundamentally services, and I believe American troops will be safer and America will pay less money if we have a broader coalition involved in that, including the United Nations.
5. Para Fox News.Kerry: You've got about 500 troops here, 500 troops there, and it's American
troops that are 90 percent of the combat casualties, and it's American taxpayers
that are paying 90 percent of the cost of the war. . . It's the wrong war, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Question: But isn't it, in a realistic political sense going to be a much harder case to make to voters when you have that extraordinary mug shot of Saddam6. A última das declaracións foi a que deu pé á realización do spot, que veu a reforzar o argumento de que Kerry era un político flip-flop que cambiaba o seu argumentario dependendo das circunstancias. Esta declaración foi un intento de explicar outra polémica desta campaña.
Hussein...looking like he's been dragged into a police line-up?
Kerry: Absolutely not, because I voted to hold Saddam Hussein accountable. I knew we had to hold him accountable. There's never been a doubt about that. But I also know that if we had done this with a sufficient number of troops, if we had done this in a globalized way, if we had brought more people to the table, we might have caught Saddam Hussein sooner. We might have had less loss of life. We would be in a stronger position today with respect to what we're doing. Look, again, I repeat, I have always said we may yet even find weapons of mass destruction. I don't know the answer to that. We will still have to do the job of rebuilding Iraq and resolving the problem between Shias and Sunnis and Kurds. There are still difficult steps ahead of us. The question that Americans want to know is, what is the best way to proceed? Not what is the most lonely and single-track ideological way to proceed. I believe the best way to proceed is to bring other countries to the table, get some of our troops out of the target, begin to share the burden.
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